All Saints Sunday

Sowing the Seeds of Peace

All Saints Sunday: Remembering those we have lost this past year

Part of being a church family is stepping up and sharing love in moments of loss and grief. One of those moments can be the final time we say goodbye, a memorial service or a funeral.

We also use All Saints Sunday ‒ November 3 this year‒ as a way to acknowledge our grief by giving it to God as we renew our hope in God through Jesus Christ. Death does not have the last word! On this Sunday we draw close to God and to one another. We remember the hope that we are called to as Christ’s people.

We will conclude our worship that Sowing the Seeds of Peace day by gathering in our Memorial Garden and blessing the new memorial bricks that have been placed there during the past year.


If you would you like to add the name of a loved one (they don’t need to be a member of the Southminster faith community), please send a picture and their name to by October 25.

If you would like their name to be printed in the Bearing Fruit and mentioned in prayers, please send their name and date to by October 25, as well.

Memorial Bricks: If you would like to purchase a memorial brick, to remember someone or to honor someone, we must have your request no later than September 20. The cost remains $125 per brick. Pick up an order form on the desk in the church office or contact the office by phone (630-469-9149) or email ( We need time to have the bricks engraved and installed before dedicating them on All Saints Sunday, November 3.