We hear wonderful news about how the annual distributions from Southminster’s endowment fund are being used. But how do funds get into the Living Legacy Fund in the first place?

Here are the easiest ways that people can give:

•    Put a check (made payable to Southminster Presbyterian Church) or cash in an envelope marked either Living Legacy Fund, or Endowment, and drop it in the offering plate or send it to the church

•    Consider remembering the Living Legacy Fund on your birthday, for your Secret Pal’s birthday, or for any other occasion or no occasion at all

•    No gift is too small… or too large!

•    Name Southminster in your Will or Trust to inherit

•    Bequests of more than $5,000 to Southminster Presbyterian Church of Glen Ellyn automatically go into the Living Legacy Fund unless you say otherwise

•    Or, you may designate a bequest either to:

•    Living Legacy Fund of Southminster Presbyterian Church of Glen Ellyn, or

•    Endowment Fund of Southminster Presbyterian Church of Glen Ellyn 

Here are some other ways that people can give to the Living Legacy Fund – we suggest that you talk with your tax advisor, or with your estate planning attorney, to learn about the benefits that you or your loved ones may receive with these ideas:

•    Have your IRA make a Qualified Charitable Distribution (“QCD”) directly to Southminster (if you are at least 70-1/2) – talk to your IRA company for instructions, and let Ron Birchall or Tom Frey know that the QCD is for the Living Legacy Fund

•    Donate your appreciated securities to Southminster, instead of cash – talk to Ron Birchall or Tom Frey to coordinate such a gift, and to make sure that Southminster can accept it

•    Name the Living Legacy Fund as a beneficiary of an IRA or a life insurance policy – be sure to seek tax or estate planning advice if you are naming any other non-charitable beneficiaries of the same IRA account

•    Establish a charitable trust, which can provide income or deferred benefits to you or to designated individuals, and also benefit Southminster’s Living Legacy Fund – speak with Ron Birchall for more information.