Stewardship 2024

2024 Letter Stewardship 09

As we embark on this year’s stewardship campaign, we reflect on the incredible blessings that God has given us as a congregation and as individuals. In the spirit of our theme, “We are Blessed to be a Blessing,” we are reminded that these blessings are not ours to keep, but gifts to be shared for the glory of God and the service of others.

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus tells us, “Freely you have received; freely give” (Matthew 10:8). This simple yet profound truth calls us to recognize that all we have—our time, talents, and treasures—are given to us by God, not for our benefit alone, but so that we may bless others.

Throughout the past year, our church has been a source of hope, love, and community. We’ve seen God’s hand in our worship, our outreach programs, our missions, and in the lives of those we serve. There are new members, new babies, Sunday School, youth fellowship, Adult Ed and a new Men’s group!  These ministries are made possible through the generous gifts of faithful stewards like you. Your contributions enable us to extend Christ’s love to our neighbors, near and far.

As we look ahead to the coming year, we invite you to prayerfully consider how you might continue to participate in God’s work through your giving. Whether it’s through your time, talents, or financial gifts, your support is vital to the life of our church and the fulfillment of our mission.

With this letter, you will receive a pledge card. We encourage you to consider how God is calling you to respond to the blessings you have received. Remember, it is not the size of the gift that matters, but the spirit with which it is given. Every contribution, no matter how small, is a testament to our shared commitment to live out the gospel in word and deed.

Together, as we give from our hearts, we continue to build a community of faith that reflects the generosity of our loving God. Let us embrace the opportunity to be a blessing to others, just as we have been blessed.

As our pledges grow, you will notice that in the Narthex our blessings will also grow.  When you make your pledge a “Blessings” logo will be hung in the Narthex so we can all enjoy the generosity of our Southminster community.  So, don’t wait until Stewardship Sunday (October 20th) to make your pledge, turn it in early so we can fill the Narthex with our “Blessings”.

Thank you for your continued faithfulness and generosity. May God bless you and your family abundantly in the years to come.